Sunset Over The Shoalhaven River • Bangalee, NSW, Australia


Sunset Over The Shoalhaven River • Bangalee, NSW, Australia

from A$50.00

This one is a bit special …
When I started working in IT for BHP back in the early 80's, it was all a bit surreal … no a LOT surreal!
I had no idea what Computers did/could do, and let's just say the "process's" around doing our work were a little "immature" . At high school, I had heard that "IT" was the Next Big Thing - good money and job security. I definitely wanted some of that! 
Anyway, during the early years at BHP there were a lot of "cowboys" that did whatever they wanted or thought should be done, without much thought for others or quality. However , there were a few older guys ( nearly 40!) that had more regard for quality, both in work and relationships. Dennis was one of these guys.
Sadly, he passed away in October. His son Graham came to work with us as well - one of the very genuine "nice guys". 

Anyway, Graham asked me if I was interested in shooting an image for his family that they could print, and donate to the hospital here in Berry where his Dad had been nursed. I felt privileged to be asked. Graham provided some background, and mentioned a spot on the Shoalhaven River where, as kids, they have often gathered as family. 

This is the spot … very peaceful … very welcoming.
Vale Denis.

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